The struggle of Haitian sugarcane workers awaiting their pensions

In the 1950s and 1980s, during the rise of the sugar industry, thousands of Haitian workers arrived in the Dominican Republic and established a life in communities where the elderly now live with their descendants, with no documents and no access to a pension. Part of their salary was retained during years, supposedly as part of their social security. Yet many have claimed their pension and are received with the news that they were never registered in the system.

Report by Indhira Suero Acosta for Gatopardo Magazine (Mexico) - May 2022

La lucha de los cañeros haitianos y la espera por sus pensiones

En los años 50 y 80, durante el apogeo de la industria azucarera, miles de haitianos llegaron a la República Dominicana para cortar caña y se establecieron en comunidades donde hoy viven hacinados los viejos braceros y sus descendientes, sin pensiones ni papeles. Parte de sus salarios fue retenido durante años por supuesto concepto de Seguridad Social. Sin embargo, muchos han ido a reclamar sus pensiones y son recibidos con la noticia de que no aparecen en el sistema.

Reportaje por Indhira Suero Acosta para Revista Gatopardo (México) - Mayo 2022